You ever keep searching, for an answer to a question, that you do not really know, what, you are asking in the first place.
I think, i am kind of like that , with my photography, just now, for so long, i was just into my landscapes, with the odd, foray into other things..
Our summer, has not been a good one, so few chances for a a sunset or a sunrise, yes, been out at 3-30am a few times, to see, if there is a sunset , but upto now, not one.
Global warming, was supposed to give us, better summers,, guess, someone, might have been wrong there, the summers of my childhood, now, they were good ones.
Long hot days spent barefoot, playing in the fields, rivers and woods around me,, from first light, to last light
I am grateful in that these days, led to the love of the outdoors, now, maybe it is, even stronger..