
Member Since: 13-Mar-14
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Managing photos from your phone - please contribute to this thread!

We all have phones with great cameras now a days, and they also have large memory capacities too.

My questions are (please answer all 4)

1. Do you know where the photos you took on the phone you had three years ago are?

2. How are you backing up your photos today?

3. Do you ever go back and look at photos you might have taken with your phone say 2, 3, or 5 years ago?

4. Any apps (on the phone itself or on your computer) that really help with all this?

I would love it if you could answer all 4 of these questions!!


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Member Since: 2-Jun-14
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1. Do you know where the photos you took on the phone you had three years ago are?.. yep, on my lappie

2. How are you backing up your photos today? on thumb drives and external HD apart from also on lappie

3. Do you ever go back and look at photos you might have taken with your phone say 2, 3, or 5 years ago? sure do

4. Any apps (on the phone itself or on your computer) that really help with all this? if there is I dont use them

smile happydance

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Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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I just use my gallery on my phone and the Samsung app seems to do the backing up for me of my stuff. I have an S5.

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Member Since: 20-Apr-16
Location: US
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1. Do you know where the photos you took on the phone you had three years ago are? On my P.C.

2. How are you backing up your photos today? Uploaded to P.C.

3. Do you ever go back and look at photos you might have taken with your phone say 2, 3, or 5 years ago? Often

4. Any apps (on the phone itself or on your computer) that really help with all this? I charge my phone overnight via u.s.b. cable on the P.C. The phone will transfer data if I let it.

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