
Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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Gardening .....
I am still waintg for the warmer/hotter weather and I still want to put seed in the ground. I have strawberries to put out in their strawberry pots, I have carrot seeds and bush beans and a lot of other seeds to sow like broccoli and cauliflowers...

Rain rain go away and come back another day once I have planted, bloody hell it is nearly June.......

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Member Since: 20-Apr-16
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My perennials are looking great, what with the warmer weather, and some sunshine (sorry sad ), but I didn't plant veggies last year at all, and my 8'x8' garden plot is TOTALLY over run with weeds. It's either rent a roto-tiller, or start referring to the garden as my "Prairie restoration project...".

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Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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Get some raised garden beds, I did and you can cover them weeds up lol I found a site on the net called raised garden etc etc etc lots of ideas on there smile

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Member Since: 20-Apr-16
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The asparagus has been slow coming up this year due to the lack of warmth and the abundance of water. AKA rain! thumbdown So far only planted onions, lettuce and potatoes. Tomatoes and squash are going in this week since it has finally decided to warm up.

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Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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The hail storms we have had has torn my rhubarb and has taken off most of the leaves of my tomato plants and has beheaded them all sad Me not happy crying

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Member Since: 20-Apr-16
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That is most unfortunate, Ellie. thumbdown

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Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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Had to buy 4 new tommy plants today......

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Member Since: 20-Apr-16
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I hope you have better luck with this bunch, Elle

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Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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Today we went to Home Depot, got a overflow thing for our swamp cooler, while hubby was doing that I perused around the garden bit lol ........ I shouldn't be allowed lol - I bought a 50 litre bag of Miracle grow and a packet of Beetroot seeds, and while I was there I grabbed a cucumber plant and a black Zucchini lol, also a 2 gallon watering can with a rose on it so it will help me water my seeds and seedlings, my other one leaked all over my feet and I saw it had a round hole in it (after I filled it, lol). Oh also forgot to say I also grabbed 4 tommy round pyramid cages, so they can help my tommies and my peppers. Happy gardening smile

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Member Since: 20-Apr-16
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You need supervision while in the garden area! LOL
I have never heard of black zucchini, that is wild sounding. I will have to look it up. I am waiting for the fencing to put cages around my tomatoes. And the electric fence needs to be put up to keep the deer out.

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Member Since: 21-Jul-14
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At long last my garden is looking good, everything is growing well, I have already had some radishes they were lovely. I can't wait for my tommies to ripen now they have got baby green ones hiding in the plants smile I have had to do another 3 rows of radishes because other people like them also and we have given some to our neighbour and to the father-in-law lol.
Cucumber is growing up to be a nice plant and so is my zucchini (I am sure I have seen a couple of zukes being born) Won't be long now smile

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