- Paint_itLady
Gift PremiumI have a great love of photography, just not a great knowledge of my camera. My pictures will be quick shots from my phone and unfiltered shots from my camera. Nothing fancy but things that catch my eye or times that are meaningful to me.
- 57 years old
- Female
- Joined 8 years ago
- Last login 9 months ago
Paint_itLady's Status Updates

*Blows away the tumbleweeds* I had to buy a new blower since Fstop put sugar in my last one!

2 years ago
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*removes spark plug, closes gap, replaces spark plug, lets see if it starts, MUAH~HAHA HAHA HA

2 years ago

*fires up the blower and clears away the cobwebs and dust around the site* I will be back next week to do the same

2 years ago
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Back from a working trip, but I got to see some amazing countryside. Posted a pic or two and applied to be a mod while I was at it. Now to wait....and wait...

2 years ago
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Thought I would log in and see if any of the local wildlife was still active over here. Hugs and smooches to you all

3 years ago
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Last logged in 48 days ago. ...any one miss me? Didn't think so
Hope you are all having a lovely start to 2017!

8 years ago
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Suisen and Cleaver1954
like this

Life is getting so very busy so I am unplugging for a while. A very Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate and cheers to all of you.

8 years ago
Sunwhisper and Cleaver1954
like this

Since it is so dead in here I may as well be comfortable *farts, belches, scratches me bum and picks out the naval lint*

8 years ago
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Cleaver1954, Bubbles, Shy1976
and 1 other
like this

8 years ago
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Sleeping on the job is no excuse, Bubbles
Hello Brenda. Maybe add one or two mods would be a good idea, especially if we can get more traffic coming here. And yes, post a pic or two

8 years ago

I have someone in mind I'll suggest to the Boss... I suppose there's a need since we all seem to slack off once in a while.. The more eyes the better, due to the sensitivity here

8 years ago
JoannaSlinky and Paint_itLady
like this

8 years ago
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Actually status over there is slower than ever, i do my turns to shake em up once in a while hehe

8 years ago
Brenda and Paint_itLady
like this

I am running on caffeine, sawdust and cuss words! New projects being made for my store and an open aire market that I am joining next month. I have the biggest smile on my face these days

8 years ago
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<<< she turned her "can'ts" into cans and her dreams into plans! And is as a happy as can be
Hello strangers. Long time no see.What is new?

8 years ago
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Sunwhisper, Cleaver1954 and Bubbles
like this

9 years ago
7 comments (show all)
Hackelberry77, Bubbles, Paint_itLady
and 3 others
like this

Hello Shy. Muwha. Friday will be here soon enough
Hello Cleaver
Just finishing up The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

9 years ago
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9 years ago
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He is great and so playful. They get a bad rep from the media but I the only time I was ever attacked by a dog it was a little lap dog! Nasty creature. Lol

9 years ago

Don't know what is going on with the site but yesterday and today it is so slow, nearly unusable!

9 years ago
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The other place ... Said their servers were down that would mean parts of the USA didn't have access to there. I assume the same would go for here? Seems it is back now though

9 years ago