
US age 56
Joined 8 years ago
Last login 84 days ago
I have a great love of photography, just not a great knowledge of my camera. My pictures will be quick shots from my phone and unfiltered shots from my camera. Nothing fancy but things that catch my eye or times that are meaningful to me.
Paint_itLady's last Status Update
*Blows away the tumbleweeds* I had to buy a new blower since Fstop put sugar in my last one!
My ALB Status:
I am:Female
Sexual Preference:
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:
Member Since:20-Apr-16
Last Logged In:15-Jun-24
Location:Behind the lense, Washington, United States
About Paint%5FitLady
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:
Interests:Arts / Crafts, Nature, Cooking, Gardening, Hiking / Camping
Race:Caucasian (White)
Professional Life
Industry:Artistic / Musical / Writer
Job Role:Business Owner
Sense Humour:Friendly
Social Style:Better in small groups
Personality:One of the guys or girls
Paint_itLady hasn't filled in this section yet.
Why not ask her?
Self Description
What Makes Me Happy:
See the people I love living happy lives
My Bad Habits:
Caring too deeply
My Final Thoughts:
If I could live anywhere it would be...

Near the people I love
Shy1976 : Stopping by to say Hi and Hugs!
(89 days ago)
Shy1976 : stoping by to say
(89 days ago)
Suisen : Always happy to see your pm, I finally got my name change, yay
(100 days ago)
Fstop : Whats that, Skip? You want to erect a memorial? But, Skip, we don't know she snuffed it yet?
(106 days ago)
Fstop : Whats that, Skip? She's fallen down the mine shaft behind the old mill? [skip an sonny hop off to the mine shaft] Damn Skip, It a bit smelly here, Skip. Do you think she alive or realy ripe? Skip. :D
(172 days ago)
Fstop : What's that, Skip? Trouble down the old mill? Quick Skip, lets go see. Skippy Skippy ... Skippy the bush Kang Gar Roo :D
(266 days ago)
Fstop : *Pats the new edible macropod encased in kevlar on da head, "good gerl, who's a good gerl then" "sit .... SIT! ... who's a good gerl" *pats kevlar encased macropod on da head again :D
(335 days ago)
Fstop : Looks kinda morgue freezer? Looks unda da bed? How dare U have a life 🤏 while I,m bed ridden shadow of my former self :sneaky:
(1 year ago)
Fstop : Sorry, Kangaroo's have been renamed, dingo's have been renamed, islands have been renamed, so the animal what hops on it's hind legs that is an inhabitant of the land formerly known as Van Demons Land has a pouch built in, hence no need for a basket !! :D
(1 year ago)
Fstop : Loads 50 BMG armor piercing incendiary. Range 2000 yards, elevation 20% wind 6 mile/hour south southeast flight time 4 seconds , when ready!!! Oh dear, julie andrews seems to have vanished from the sound of moooo-sic :D How did that happen ?
(1 year ago)
Fstop : Lines up catapult .... lobs a cow over your castle wall, boinggggg ..... mooooo .... :D
(1 year ago)
Fstop : pokes around with jabbedy stick, poke, may all your chickens be frozen and lay square eggs. :D
(1 year ago)
Fstop : Sending you a herd of flying pigs, a gaggle of nesting ewe's, 2 reindeer, and an apple growing in a pear tree. :D
(1 year ago)
Fstop : May your S/O suddenly develop a habit of chewing tobacco.
(1 year ago)
Fstop : May your Neighbor take up learning the bagpipes at three am, and may you pillow smell like his feet. :D
(1 year ago)
Fstop : *May the fleas of a thousand foreign leigon camels infest your bed, and my your washer be broke! *
(2 years ago)
Suisen : *peaks in* heeeeey :)
(2 years ago)
Bubbles : Merry Christmas !! I know I am a tad early but to bad :p have a great Christmas :) xx Come back !! .... * said in the Titanic way ;)
(7 years ago)
Brenda : Greetings from across the River :)
(7 years ago)
Suisen : Happy B-day Laaaaidy *muah* (dont eat the seashells)
(7 years ago)
Bubbles : Ohhhh its your birthday today !!! Happy Birthday to you !!! :) hope you have a wonderful day :) xoxo
(7 years ago)
Profile last updated: 17-Jan-17